Sunday, October 03, 2004

100 Random Things About Me... Part 3

51. I have been cutting/styling my own hair since I was about 11
52. I am ambidexterous
53. I eat, write, and brush my teeth left-handed
54. I sew, use scissors, and do everything else right-handed
55. The second toe is longer than my big toe, but only on one foot
56. I twist or play with my hair when I'm nervous or concentrating
57. I like to be busy
58. I can do about six different things at
59. I like to be in control of most situations
60. Things that I can't control make me nervous
61. I was an English major in college
62. I took about 6 years of Spanish classes
63. I love the outdoors
64. I'm highly allergic to insect bites
65. I'm afraid of the ocean
66. I'm also afraid of storms
67. I have many craft projects in progress at once
68. I get bored easily
69. I like to bake anything..bread..cookies..cakes..etc.
70. Baking is soothing to me...
71. I LOVE the kind of nachos and cheese you can get at a ballpark
72. I don't like hotdogs.
73. I don't like pork...except for bacon once in a while
74. I like being known as the creative/artistic one
75. I have a younger sister who could not be more my opposite

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