Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Kindergarten Queen

Well, it seems that our little "Princess" has turned into the Kindergarten Queen. LOL I was worried about her having mixed feelings on her first day. I knew that she had been talking about going to school ever since she turned three. Knowing that she could start school at the age of 4, she would always tell people that she was already 4 when asked. Monday was her first actual day of kindergarten. It was also the first time her daddy and I had ever left her anywhere other than a friend or family member's home. Even though she appeared to be excited...I had my reservations. I tried as best as possible to explain that yes, we would be leaving her...but that we would come back to get her at lunch time. I explained her she would get there and have free play, then Bible study, reading and writing, get to color, then have a snack and a potty break, go to music or art, and get to play on the playground, and then we would be there to pick her up. I also told her how her class would get to go the the big library down town (which she loves) and the roller skating rink once a month. The will also take field trips to the Pumpkin Patch in the fall, the zoo, and a couple of other places yet to be determined. Most importantly, I made sure she knew where the bathroom was and to tell her teacher if she needed to go other than at the "alotted time." When we entered the building on Orientation Day, her only fear seemed to be the stairs. Her Kindergarten is part of a large local church and it has steep staircases with echoing stairwells. She's fine going up, but is scared to come down. Fortunatly, we found out that her classroom is on the first (ground level) floor, so that isn't an issue. Anyway, we got up (her Daddy, and sister and I) and piled into the car so that we could all walk her in on her first day of school. She was dressed all cute in a little denim skort with a baby blue shirt, white lacy socks and her tennis shoes with laser lights that light up with each step. Her hair was pulled back in a neat little ponytail and she had a brand new lacy navy hairbow at the top. Armed with her "special" PINK Disney Princess backpack, she was ready to go. We were the first ones in her class to arrive after Mrs. S had unlocked the door. (The kids that got there early had to wait in another room). Princess walked right in...said "Hi" to her teacher, took off her her daily folder out and put it in the designated basket, and I helped her find her cubby hole to hang her backpack in. Mrs. S asked Princess if she wanted to go with her to get the other boys and girls and obviously she did, because she quickly turned to Alan and me, gave us a quick hug, grabbed Mrs. S's hand and off they went down the hall. "Bye Mommy!" she called. "I'll have fun. Oh, and I'll color you a pretty picture!" and that was it. Alan and I looked at each other in amazement. While we were extremely grateful that she was adjusting so well, we kinda felt forgotten already! LOL It was "Mommy and Daddy who?" Nonetheless, we were very pround. Princess told us the next day that her cousin (who is 7 months older and in the same class) had cried and clung to his mother the first day. Actually what she said...and I quote is: "Andy cried and hugged onto his mommy. But I didn't cry. I'm a big girl...only babies cry!" I laughed until I nearly cried myself!


JLR said...

Oh, how cute is that! I'm glad she didn't have separation anxiety--that's so hard on parents. But I don't think you have to worry about this one--she's got spunk.

Greg said...

Next thing you know she will be leaving for College! lol.

Crazy. ;)

Alison said...

LOL! It would have made me cry to see that my little girl didn't need me to stick around. She's never been too clingy, so I'm sure she'll do the same thing. But, I guess that would be easier than having her cry and not want me to leave. Glad she did so well. How did she like her first day?

Greg said...

It's so funny how kids surprise us. It made me tear up.... Yes... I am 7 and some months pregnant... please take that into consideration as you shake your head at the tears... But man... our kids grow up so fast!

Rosa* said...

JLR, thanks for the comment. She definatly has spunk!

Ben, I have a feeling by then I will be more than ready! LOL j/k

-A-, I think I would have cried if she had cried. I'm glad she was so excited! (I still sniffled a little on the way back to the car -no crocodile tears though).

Oh, and she had a WONDERFUL first day. She played, and went to music where they sang silly songs, and practiced writing their letters and coloring. She DID INDEED bring me home some pretty pictures.

Sydney - I think we must have synchronized our watches when we got pregnant! LOL We are due like three days apart, so as I am also seven plus months pregnant, I totally understand the tears bit!