Thursday, February 09, 2006

Cobwebs and Dustbunnies

Now that I have finally RE-discovered my own blog, I am trying to do a bit of housecleaning. I have added the new mood indicators in my sidebar to the right, and have done some cleaning in my blog roll and have even added a few new (to me at least) and noteworthy blogs. Plus some that I have been meaning to add forever and have just not gotten around to. (Sorry Sydney!) I'm not very good with HTML and too broke to hire anyone to design me something cool, but I'd like a couple of jazzy or fun little additions. Does anyone have any ideas?


Greg said...


Alison said...

I need to do the same. I have a few who read my blog and I've started reading theirs, but they're saved in my favorites rather than on my blogroll. If you get any good ideas for jazzing up your blog, please let me know! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, good to see you out and about again! (over at Birdie's place :) Sounds like your life has the appropriate amount of craziness going on which one would expect with three sisters for you to keep track of. Glad you're surviving, and are at least able to come up for a breath of air!

Monkey said...

I have no idea - I'm not that great at either and always worried I'll do something lame and lose everything!

I once installed on of those little mini-chat-windows for my readers to BS on - but it kept screwing things up.

overactive-imagination said...

Welcome Back! Sorry I can't help with the HTML stuff, it's all chinese to me.


Butterfly Amy said...

ohhh I'm noteworthy!! ;)
I need to get back into blogging more again too.

I finally added you to my blogrolling too!

Alison said...

I figured out how to make a few changes to my blog. If you're still looking to make some changes, let me know. I'll try to help. LOL