Thursday, March 30, 2006

Cheap Entertainment

Like most parents, I'm sure...I sure do get a kick out of my kids sometimes. I was trying to fix breakfast this morning, get my four year old dressed, and get things ready to take her to kindergarten when "Baby Bug" started crying. "Bugga bugga!" I shouted. "Go in there and talk to your sister until I can come get her!" So my two year old takes off down the hall to "rescue" her baby sister. Within a couple of minutes the crying stops. Within a few more...I hear gurgles and giggles. The baby is laughing her little butt off. I stop what I am doing and head down the hall to investigate this miraculous change in her temperment. Bugga Bugga is standing beside the baby bed tickling Baby Bug's feet and mumbling something. I listen closer and her my two -year old's modern rendition of "This Little Piggy":

This little piggy went to Walmart
This little piggy stayed home.
This little piggy ate peanut butter and jelly
This little piggy had none.
And this little piggy went wee-wee in his britches...
All the way home.

No wonder Baby Bug was laughing so hard!!!


Alison said...

LOL! That is so funny! Miss Priss says, "This little piggy had pork chops." Her daddy thought it would be funny to teach it to her that way.

I'm also glad to know that I'm not the only one who tells my 2 year old to go entertain her sister. LOL

Anonymous said...

*giggle that is hysterical!!