Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Coming Out of the Closet... LOL

Yep, it's that time again. YARD SALE time. So for the past week I have been methodically moving from room to room in my house going through dresser drawers, digging under beds, and bulldozing through closets removed the old, unwanted, and outgrown items that seem to multiply when no one is looking. We have only been in this house a year (next month to be precise) and I cannot believe how much junk we have managed to accumulate! Where did it all come from? I have finished my oldest daughter's room and have battled about 95% of the way through the middle daughters room. Already I have removed 5 large black trash bags full of outgrown clothes, and three garbage bags full of toys! My kids are growing faster than I can keep up with them! The baby is 8 months old now and really starting to get into her baby food and toys! In fact, she has outgrown her infant car seat. So I'm hoping that I will make enough money from the yard sale to buy her a new carseat and a high chair. I'm getting tired off feeding her on my lap. Strawberries and bananas is suprisingly difficult to remove from MY hair! I just hope it has some kind of conditioning benefits! LOL


Greg said...

Hello? Testing...

Do my comments work? :)

Cattiva said...

Oh I can SO relate to this post!!! We've been "organizing" for our annual yardsale. What that means is creating a HUGE pile in our garage of "crap we don't use." I almost cannot wait until the sale. I said ALMOST, because there are few things worse than dragging your wares into your front yard, only to haggle with people who obviously do not understand the "value" of your treasures.

On another note - I can relate to the 8 month old who has outgrown the carseat. *SIGH* We're going to have to buy one of those convertible ones. Jeeze they are pricey!