Friday, July 22, 2005

Busy w/ Birthdays and Other Things

After getting an email from a blogging buddy, I realized that once again I had failed to post an entry in a while. Things have been busy around here as usual. My oldest daughter (pictured below) turned 4 on Wednesday! Yep, only ten days after my youngest turned 2! We had a small celebration (just the girls, their Daddy and I) on the morning of each of their individual birthdays, and then we had a joint birthday party for them both, the weekend between their birthdays (which this year happened to be Sat. the 16th). Our friends and family were invited, and we grilled hotdogs for lunch, had cake, punch, chips & dip, etc., and watched the girls joyously open their presents. It was fun! Tiring, but fun. I'm glad this next baby will be born in the fall. Too many birthdays back to back breaks the bank and me too! LOL Now that Cat is 4, she will be starting Kindergarten. In fact, her first day is Aug. 8th! Only two weeks + away. I'm curious to see how she will do on her first day. I've never gone ANYWHERE and left her before. (Other than her Nana keeping her, or our friends' daughter coming over to babysit for a bit, of course). I've never left her in a new place, with new people. I hope she will be excited enough about going to school, making new friends, etc. to get over my leaving her quickly. Of course, knowing how things normally turn out, it will probably be much harder on me than it will be on her. I can't believe my baby is old enough to start school!!! It seems like just yesterday I was bringing her home from the hospital. All 6 lbs. 10 oz. of her. Crazy!

Happy Birthday, Little Princess! Posted by Picasa


Greg said...

I was just about to email you... but then I was trying to be patient. We felt the same way when Jake went to school last year.


overactive-imagination said...

She's SO cute!
When I dropped my oldest daughter off at kindergarten for the first time (and walked her in) I was in tears and she was telling me "mommy, it's okay, I will be home in a little while, you can go now"
Have a great weekend!

Lu said...

guess oldest little one recently turned 5...and i have decided NOT to send him to kindergarten this year...i am going to wait until next year when he is 6.

he went to headstart last year...and it was HORRIBLE...he cried everyday...EVERYDAY...

i am such a wimp...i hope he doesnt hate me when he is older for not starting him at 5. sigh

Alison said...

Eeek! I can't imagine my little girl going to school. I know it has to happen eventually, but still. :) I'm sure she'll do great. :)