Thursday, September 23, 2004

Bouncing Back

After our yard sale a few weeks ago, we decided to use some of our proceeds to get my oldest daughter the new carseat she had been needing for several months. "1" had outgrown her baby seat and was ready for the next step up which unfortunately for her, "3" was still inhabiting. So after the yard sale we purchased a new youth booster seat for "3" and gave "1" her hand-me-down carseat. Worked out well for both girls. "3" was really proud of her new ride. The first time she "test drove" her new seat, it was nighttime. "Mommy! It's WONDERFUL!" she exclaimed. "It's SO pretty!" This was the commentary of a child who was discovering for the first time all the street lights, traffic signals, and buildings lighting the darkness from the new perspective of her mobile world; having been previously unable to see out the side windows of our car. Today however, my husband and I made an unfortunate discovery. Somewhere in all the excitement of the new carseat and extended view, we had forgotten some vital information. As children, both my husband and I suffered the malady of motion-sickness. To be more This thought never crossed either of our minds until we were on our way to my husband's doctor's appointment in a town about an hour from home. We started our journey alone..just the two of us this morning, as my mother had come to babysit. Alas, "3" chose today to have a separation anxiety attack and so we opted to allow her to accompany us while "1" stayed home and entertained her Nana. Up until now, "3" had only been in the car for short distance rides: to the grocery Nana's...downtown...etc. Once again, this never crossed our minds UNTIL...we were about 10 minutes from the doctor's office. The ride had not been a smooth one. We traveled at greater speeds than usual, for longer distances than usual, around more curves and turns than usual, with apparently more ignorant drivers than usual. (We were cut off and nearly run off the road twice). All of the occurrences in combination obviously did not sit well on "3's" stomach. With no warning, 3's latest snack of chocolate milk and teddy grahams came back with a vengeance spraying the back of my seat, covering her clothes, and saturating a completely horrified stuffed "Nemo" fish. I flashed my ass to the downtown metro world as I dove head-first over the front seats in an effort to catch the geyser in the ever-ready Walmart sack I found floating around the floorboard. It was over as soon as it had begun and with the imperturbable attitude of a small child, "3" announces in a calm voice... "My tummy feels better now." I wish she had hinted to me that it didn't feel well in the first place. Oh well. Live and learn.


Birdie said...

Reminds me of the time 17 was 7 and slam dunk drank a McDonald's Shamrock Shake one March and barfed green curds all over my van. I can't look at any green dairy products to this day.

Steve the Mildly Unwell Bastard said...

Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it...


Unknown said...

Been there. I have found 4 needs to ride in the middle of the van. Of course it took a trip 1/2 way across the country to find this out. We were lucky though, he told us before it was too late. But having a child sick in the car is only rivaled by having them sick in bed an hour after you fall asleep. Hope you & the car recovered as easily as she did.

Rosa* said...

Birdie: Oh man..gross! I've never been too fond of green dairy products in the first place. To me that sybolizes that it's been in the fridge too long! LOL I remember crying one Christmas when I was little cause my g'ma dyed the cream cheese on my favourite pear salad green and I wouldn't eat it. LOL

Steve: You're welcome. Hope you make it though everything okay. We're here for you.

Heidi: The middle of the seat thing probably would be a great help. Unfortunatly our car is small and 3's fat baby sister is in a carseat on the other end. No room. That was the longest one hour return trip I have ever experience. Thank God for windows that roll down!!! LOL