For those of you who watch Dora the Explorer (willingly or otherwise) on a daily basis, yesterday was my Baby Bugga Bugga's 2nd birthday! She seemed to understand the concept because she was so excited when she woke me up at SIX IN THE MORNING! This after I stayed up late baking and decorating her cake in a Dora Theme (what else?) after she had gone to bed the night before. We put up some balloons and "happy birthday" banners and moved her booster seat to the "seat of honor" at the head of our dining room table. When she woke up and stumbled sleepily to the kitchen, she saw all the decorations and her presents and cake sitting on the table and got really excited. She came into my bedroom shouting "party party!" Her Daddy had already gone to work before she woke up, but I called him and fortunately he was able to come by to help us celebrate. 2 ran and got "soon to be 4" out of her bed and they both sounded like little elephants running down the hall. 2 climbed into the 'birthday chair' and we lit the candles on her cake. "Almost 4" and her Daddy sang Happy Birthday to her. I did not participate in the singing because I was holding the video camera and trust me...nobody wanted to hear THAT! LOL Within seconds the candles were extinguished and Bugga Bugga was ripping into her presents with glee! She received a bathtub/pooltime Dora and Boots from her sister, and a new Baby doll w/ accessories from her Daddy and me. Fortunately for us, she was more interested in playing with her new toys that demolishing her birthday cake (which was chocolate fudge w/ buttercream icing btw), so we weren't trying to deal with a sugar-wired two year old for the rest of the day. Believe it or not, she actually went willingly to take her regularly scheduled nap that afternoon. We are also grateful that Hurricane Dennis pretty much ignored us all together. Other than intermittent periods of really hard rain and a few strong gusts of winds, we did not feel the effects of it at all. We had really been expecting to spend the night by the light of 2's birthday candles due to power outages, but we were lucky this time.
A Sleepy Birthday Bugga Bugga!

Happy Birthday to your baby girl (for now -- she won't be the baby much longer)!
I thought about you when I heard about Hurricane Dennis. Glad to hear that you weren't in the storm's path.
Happy Belated birthday bugga bugga.
My daughter's birthday was yesterday also! However, she turned 9, instead of 2! Happy birthday to your little girl!
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