Sunday, July 24, 2005

Sure to be a Memorable Moment

Well, tomorrow we have to take "Princess (4)" to the pediatrician for her well-checkup and the subsequent filling out of forms that are required by her kindergarten in order for her to be accepted on the first day. We have also decided to go ahead and let her take her first set of booster shots required before she starts first grade. The vaccines are normally given between the ages of four and six, and although she just turned four last week my husband and I decided to go ahead and get it over with for a few reasons:
  1. It's easier to hold down an angry 4 year old than an angry 6 year old.
  2. 4 year olds have a shorter attention span.
  3. 4 year olds are more easily bribed.
  4. At the tender age of 4, she has yet to comprehend exactly what the word "vaccine" means.
  5. If she gets it over with now, we won't have to dread it for the next two years.
  6. If I have to pay the freakin' copay anyway, they might as well work for it!

Her appointment is at 2:00 tomorrow. If you live in the immediate area, you might want to take cover just in case there should be some small shockwaves or tremors. LOL I'm sure this will be an unforgetable experience. It's so much easier when they are babies and can't retaliate. You just feel guilty and then get to cuddle them all better. Now she's big enough to yell, call names, and seek revenge. I guess I'll be sleeping with one eye open for a while!


overactive-imagination said...

LMAO. You might want to sleep with your door locked tonight. Good idea to get them done now.
Here, the kids now have to have 3 hepatitis B shots before starting middle school..........and they made some stupid law that you can't get them at the Dr's office, you have to go to the health department. I don't mind that it's free there but I hate going there and I hate the long waits, I'd rather pay the co-pay.
Good luck!!

Alison said...

It's about that time that you're at the appointment. Good luck holding down the angry 4 year old. Maybe she'll surprise you and do great. :) I was so excited at my daughter's last appointment when they said no more shots until she's 4. I didn't think about what I'd do when she's 4. :)