Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Got an Octopus for Sale?

Know of anyone who has an octopus for sale? Cause I could really use the extra arms today! Two out of three of my kids are sick. Not BAD sick, but enough that they demand constant attention. Princess hasn't been to kindergarten since last Friday. She seems to have bronchitis on top of a low-grade fever that is a result of the flu shot she had last week. So she was up all night coughing. Bugga-Bugga (the 2 yr. old) had a fever of 101.9 this morning and is ill and cranky because she is cutting all 4 of her 2-yr molars at once. Thank goodness Baby Bug isn't sick. She just demands to be fed or changed constantly. It just always works out to where they all need me at the same time, and of course Alan is at work. Even worse, he got supeonaed to Grand Jury today so he is out of town and unable to drop in and lend a hand like he can sometimes do. PLUS, he has municipal court tonight, which means he won't get home until around 9 or 10 tonight. Ugh!

On a brighter note, thank you all for your prayers and kind comments. We are scheduled to have our car fixed on November 15th. (Yes, that's the earliest date our repair guy had an opening.) A very dear (and sexy...oops...didn't mean to let that slip...but he would So be on my list....ladies, you know what list I'm referring to...everyone has one!) friend of ours found out about our problems and gave Alan a check for $500.00 to cover getting our car fixed! I think I'm still in shock, but it's certainly a huge weight off our shoulders.


Greg said...

Perfect example of how God provides... AND answers prayers.

Way cool.

Alison said...

iI'm so glad that your car is getting fixed and that a guardian angel (a sexy one at that!) helped you out.

If I could, I would lend a hand. I'm not doing much at work today. I'm sorry that Alan isn't able to help you. Those 2 year old molars suck! My daughter got all of her teeth in between about 5-7 months. So, I was spoiled. Now her 2 year old molars are slowly working their way in. And so she whines. All. Day. Long.