Saturday, August 21, 2004

SSA - Solitaire Showdown Anonymous

Hi. I'm Dana and I'm an addict. That's right. I'll admit it. I'm addicted to this stupid online game called Solitaire Showdown. (You have to have MSN messanger to play against other people with MSN messanger). There I was..calmly chatting along with my sister on MSN messanger when all of a sudden this message pops up:

"so and so... has invited you to play SOLITAIRE SHOWDOWN. Do you accept? or decline?"

So I made the vital mistake of accepting. My sister and I played for hours. Literally. I think it was like two in the morning when finally we were forced to shut the computer down ending our game, due to the lack of motion and thus lubrication of our eyelids which caused them to become glued to our eyeballs. Not a pretty picture at all! We decided to meet online every night around 9:30 or 10:00 (well after my kids were in the bed) to play. Only now I have this problem. My only MSN Solitaire Showdown opponent has divorced me. Well, I guess technically we are "separated" but the little cheater is already "seeing other game opponents." Only not on MSN. NOooo...that's not good enough for her anymore. She has moved on to bigger better things. My rival? X-Box!

Hence, I am now putting out a singles ad, in search of a new MSN Solitaire Showdown companion. So if you have an MSN passport and would like to try this fun and addicting game, please leave me a post, email, or message me! I'm Englishrose7 on MSN!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am an addict too and I have added you on MSNN to play. Please email when you can. I am kialayax on the MSN. bye