Monday, November 22, 2004

Q:What's up? A: My Chin & Spirit

Thanks to all of my wonderful new-found blogger friends for the encouraging messages over the past few days. Things are looking up, and I'm feeling better in all aspects. I'm recovering from my case of "the blues" and a nasty cold as well. My Holiday Open House went pretty well this past weekend. (I will have to post a separate entry about that later). I guess Alan "read" my mood and decided he'd been a bit neglectful lately, because he more than made up for it. He volunteered to take a "holiday" the day before my open house so that he could stay home and help me take care of the girls and get everything set up, which was a blessing. I was stressing about how I was going to get everything done in time. Then, Friday night after my guests had left for the evening, he took me out to eat at my favourite Chinese restaurant in town. The girls went with us, but were obviously really hungry because they ate well and didn't give me any trouble. LOL Afterwards, he suggested that we stop and rent a couple of movies and put the girls to bed early. Another brilliant move. (Chalk up some brownie points). Unfortunatly it was late on a Friday night and everything that we wanted to see had been rented out already. We only ended up renting one movie....Shrek 2. I know, I know...but really...I needed a good laugh and I love that my husband is willing to suffer through something silly like that for me. We turned all the lights out and the room was dimly lit by my beautiful Avon Christmas display and the glow of the Christmas tree that the girls and I decorated the day before. The movie was okay (not nearly as good as the first one)...the snuggle time was much better -- even though Alan fell asleep about 15 minutes before the movie ended. Don't worry...I woke him up! ;)


Birdie said...

Awwww you poor baby! This is the first moment I have had a chance to read up on your goings on, sweetie. I hope this is the beginning of an upswing for you. I know how down a person can get when things aren't going your way. A huge hug from me to you.

Cattiva said...

GLad to hear the open house went well!