Monday, April 25, 2005

A Hectic Schedule

Geez, when it rains it pours. Not that I am complaining..not really. I am very pleased with most of the things I'm having to schedule time for these days. It's just that I feel like I need a calendar to remind me when to look at the calendar I have written everything on. Or that I must consult that calendar before making any plans...appointments...dinners...or even brief trips to the bathroom. I have to schedule in my showers these days. We are supposed to close on our new home sometime between the 29th of this month and the 14th of May. Cat has story-time every other Tuesday. I have Avon orders to enter every other Wednesday. Then I have to package everything up when it comes in every other Friday and then call all my customers and make arrangements to deliver their products. (Some as far away as an hour drive). Alan's softball season starts this week which means he will be rushing home from work expecting dinner (something light and easy on the stomach please) to be ready when he gets home at 6:00 so that he can be at the softball field by 7:00 for his game at 7:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. May 7th Alan has a written exam as a prerequisite to an interview with another law enforcement municipality. Then that night we have to be in Atlanta by 6:30 for the Braves game that starts at 7:35. (I bought Alan two tickets for his birthday). May 9th is my grandmother's birthday. May 11th we have to go to the hospital where baby#3 will be born to have an ultrasound done to determine baby's size and whether baby will be daughter #3 or son #1. Then the next day Alan is having his wisdom teeth cut out, which at the age of 31 is NOT going to be a pleasant experience. It was hell when I had mine done at 16. This will put him out of work and on the couch for about a week on a liquid/mush/jello diet which is not going to be a day at the beach for either of us. Especially with 3 and 1 running around wondering why daddy looks like a chipmunk that lost a good fist-fight. *sigh* AND somewhere in the midst of all that drama, I have to find time to pack up everything in our house except for the daily essentials that we need to survive between now and then end of June when, HOPEFULLY we will be living in, or at the very least moving into, our new house. And in the middle of the moving Alan and I will celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary on June 23rd, and hopefully we will be settled, unpacked, and content in time for me to plan the girls' birthdays in July. "3" will be turning 4 on July 20th and "1" will be turning "2" on the 10th. By this time I will be close to seven month pregnant with "baby #3" and thouroughly exhausted as well. Then I get to look forward to getting up at 6:00 every morning and waking 4 and 2 up, throwing clothes on them, shoving a bag of cheerios and a cup of milk at them as I strap them into the car on the way to take "4" to kindergarten. She starts in August. Oh God...I'm tired already. See you guys later. I'm going to take a nap!


Frustrated Mom said...

I feel for ya! I have the same problem with scheduling here. My husband gets off at 3:30, picks the kids up by 4, gets home and gets dinner started & all 4 kids fed then off to the ball field for practice, or off to the counselor's office or Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, whichever is the task of the evening. Then get all 4 kids home and showered and ready for bed by 8:30. It's nuts. Plus the youngest has ADHD and a meltdown can occur at any given time, which just adds to the stress level. Good luck with baby #3! Hope everything turns out okay for you!

Alison said...

Ahhhhh!!!! I'm tired just reading your schedule.

Note to more'll thank me later when they start getting into activities! :)

So, it sounds like after July or so, you might be able to sit down and relax for a few minutes? Enjoy any naps you can get! :)

As far as the wisdom teeth go, I'm praying that your husband has a very good experience because you just don't need a cranky hubby on the couch looking like a "chipmunk who lost a fist fight."

Good luck to him with his exam -- hope it leads to a good interview. :)

So, do you have a guess as to whether or not you're having daughter #3 or son #1? Throughout my entire pregnancy, I was sure that I was having a girl. My husband thought I was crazy until my OB assured him that his wife knew the gender of all 4 of their kids by 12 weeks. Women's intuition. Of course, that doesn't always work. :) I have a friend who was wrong on her intuition with all 3 of her kids! :)

Good luck with the hectic schedule in the coming months! :)

Greg said...

See you in August! ;)