Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Re: Meme - 5 Things You Miss About Your Childhood

Ok, since my girls are FINALLY taking their afternoon naps, I have a few minutes to respond to the meme I mentioned earlier. -A- tagged me with the question: "What 5 things do you miss most about your childhood?" So here goes.

1. I miss how safe our parents felt, allowing us to roam the neighborhood with all the other neighborhood kids unsupervised. Knowing and trusting that at least ONE of the other parents knew where we were or where we were headed at all times.

2. I miss the rare occasions when my grandparents had to pick me up from school because my mom was unavailable, and the excitement of knowing that when I opened the car door my grandfather would greet me with the phrase "this bus stops at the Dairy Queen."

3. I miss the excitement and nervousness of those few days before starting school after a long summer off, and shopping for that year's school supplies: the new spiral notebooks, scissors, trapper keepers, glue, and best of all, the smell of new CRAYOLA crayons with their unused perfect points.

4. I miss going outside to play as soon as the sun was up and not going in until the sun was going down: no worries about mosquitos and West Nile then. We'd spend all day making mud pies and mixing foul concoctions of berries, wild onions, leaves, water and acorns in a upside-down sawed off half-barrel, then stay out all evening playing frisbee with a glow-in-the-dark frisbee and chasing/catching lightening bugs.

5. But most of all I miss the innocence and carefree lifestyle that came with just being a kid -- Not having to worry about adult issues - taking for granted that there would be food on the table and a roof over my head tomorrow, and the next day, and the next...without having to think about how it got there; believing in Santa Claus and then being even more grateful later in life when I realized where all those gifts REALLY came from and the sacrifices that were made to provide them; just enjoying the egocentric world of a child where everything revolved around yourself and the biggest heartache was the breaking of a favourite toy, or outgrowing of a favourite outfit...not quite understanding emotional pain and suffering, or sickness and death... never loving so much that it physically hurt...never truly fearing for another person or attempting to take on superhuman traits to protect your loved ones from everything harmful. I guess as a mother of two (soon to be three) precious little girls and the wife of a husband I adore more than life itself...THAT is what I miss the most.

And now that I have dried my tears and restored the Kleenex to their rightfult position on the bathroom cabinet...I move my name to the bottom of the following list whose links I have added and will try to visit:

AND, I pass the meme on to:

  1. Birdie - http://blogs.salon.com/0003522
  2. Ben & Syd - www.marriedinminnesota.com
  3. Mike - http://blogs.salon.com/0004725
  4. Redneck Diva - http://redneckdiva.blogspot.com
  5. Heidi - http://www.heidimdavis.com/MoMMY.html

TAG! You're IT!


Anonymous said...

I've already been tagged on this one. Here's the link.

Greg said...

Alright... I will do your Memes... only because you asked... ;)

But I am not passing it on... lol.

I will work on it...

Alison said...

Trapper keepers....I forgot about those....

Greg said...

"the bus stops at Dairy Queen." Gramps was cool... you are very fortunate... I didn't know my grandparents on this level.

Alison said...

I want to see the cartoon one! :)

Greg said...

My response it up on my site June 22nd. Enjoy!